How to Connect Sikla siFramo to Primary Structures

How to Connect Sikla siFramo to Primary Structures

March 18, 2025

Sikla siFramo is known for its weldless and configurable design that makes it a perfect alternative to welded structural steel for secondary construction. Its flexible assembly and modular nature allows for quick modifications and minimal installation time. But when it comes to installation, how is Sikla siFramo connected to primary steel construction or masonry? 

There are three universal connection methods for installing your custom Sikla siFramo support system on site, bringing the benefits of Sikla siFramo to your application.   

1. Clamping to Existing Primary Steel Structures 

Sikla siFramo is designed for flexible installation, as illustrated by the clamping installation method. This method eliminates the need for hot work and its associated risks, and allows for future modifications to the support system as needs change.  

The Sikla siFramo footplate can be clamped to primary steel sections using Sikla standard clamping sets. There are five baseplates available to cover a large range of I-beam flange widths.  

When a footplate is used, there is a "no fix zone" near the baseplate where no external fixes can be made. Where a fix close to the baseplate is required, a WBD F T type can be used.  

2. Fastening to Wall, Floor, or Ceiling 

Sikla siFramo can be attached to more than just structural steel. Sometimes your system will need to be connected to the existing building framework like masonry or concrete walls, floors, or ceilings.  

In this instance, Sikla recommends using an end support WBD or beam bracket TKO, both of which are available in sizes F 80, F 100, or F 100/160. 

Typically, these supports or brackets can be secured with M12 heavy-duty anchors in concrete. For masonry, Sikla recommends using injection anchors.  

3. Welding  

One of the benefits of Sikla siFramo is that it does not require welding for assembly, eliminating the need for hot works permits and skilled installers. However, there are occasions where clamping is not an option and your Sikla system will have to be welded to steel components. In this instance, Sikla offers a welding adapter.  

The Sikla welding adapter has a weldable, corrosion-resistant coating that conforms with health and safety requirements. Like any welding project, once the weld is complete, all surfaces exposed to debris from the weld must be checked for damage and recoated as necessary to maintain the standards of the coating.  

Like the range of footplates, there are two types of internal connections available for the welding adapter. The square adapter has a "no fix zone" while the octagonal adapter can be used to extend the fix zone up to the beam. When the octagonal adapter is used, there is some reduction in load capacity as a result.   

Do you have an upcoming project that could benefit from a Sikla siFramo support system? Our experienced team can design a custom system to meet your support and installation requirements. Contact us to get started